English: Paris hired Marc Mattioli as first ever head coach
The Paris Football Team today announced that Marc Mattioli will lead the team into its debut in the 2023 European League of Football (ELF) season. As the league’s newest member, Paris offers an exciting locale rich in talent and culture from which Mattioli will coach.
Mattioli, an Atlanta, Georgia native, has spent the last two years coaching in Europe, where he led the Italian Football League’s Parma Panthers to their first Italian Bowl title since 2013. Following his success in Italy, Mattioli joined the Leipzig Kings in the ELF to round off their season. He was named American Football International „Coach of the Year“ in 2021, for his successes in Italy.
„I’m excited about joining Paris. Getting to know the people involved, everyone has had so much energy, and there is a lot of buzz around this project. I vibe with that. France also has so much skill; French talent plays across Europe, the CFL, and even in the NFL. You don’t turn it down when you get an opportunity to work with that level of homegrown talent.“
Head Coach Mattioli said of the appointment.
Mattioli began his coaching career at LaGrange College, a Division III program in west Georgia. Immediately showing his high ceiling, Mattioli won roles at primary NCAA FBS schools in Stanford University under Duane Akina and then Vanderbilt University as a Defensive Backs coach under Derek Mason.
Current Linebackers Coach for the NFL’s Denver Broncos and former Stanford colleague Peter Hansen commented on Mattioli’s signing: “Marc Mattioli is a brilliant and passionate coach. I learned more from him when we worked together than he learned from me. The Paris team is lucky to have such a great leader running their program.”
Mattioli will be stepping into a country with abundant domestic talent. Recent International Federation of American Football (IFAF) European Championship runs have shown this, with the French National Team placing first in 2018 and fourth in 2021. The development of these young men will fall to Mattioli, a fact that team General Manager Marc-Angelo Soumah feels confident in:
„With the signing of Head Coach Marc Mattioli, our franchise has found a great leader of men that fit our values. Our players will enjoy having a great experience on and off the field. We are assembling a successful franchise, and HC Marc Mattioli is a keystone of that building!“
GM Marc-Angelo Soumah
Marcel Heinisch
Das Paris Football Team hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass Marc Mattioli das Team in der Saison 2023 in der European League of Football (ELF) anführen wird. Als neuestes Mitglied der Liga bietet Paris einen aufregenden Ort, um ein Team zu formieren. Frankreich bietet eine Vielzahl an hochtalentierten Athleten und Paris ist als Standort sicherlich attraktiv. Noch ist Mattioli der einzige Coach im Staff und Spieler sind noch keine verpflichtet.
Mattioli, der aus Atlanta im US-Bundesstaat Georgia stammt, hat die letzten zwei Jahre als Coach in Europa verbracht, wo er die Parma Panthers in der italienischen Football-Liga zum ersten Italian Bowl-Titel seit 2013 führte. Nach seinem Erfolg in Italien schloss sich Mattioli den Leipzig Kings in der ELF an, um deren Saison abzuschließen. Für seine Erfolge in Italien wurde er 2021 zum „American Football International Coach of the Year“ gewählt.
„I’m excited about joining Paris. Getting to know the people involved, everyone has had so much energy, and there is a lot of buzz around this project. I vibe with that. France also has so much skill; French talent plays across Europe, the CFL, and even in the NFL. You don’t turn it down when you get an opportunity to work with that level of homegrown talent.“
Head Coach Mattioli said of the appointment.
Mattioli begann seine Coaching-Karriere am LaGrange College, einem Division III-Programm in West Georgia. Mattioli zeigte sofort, dass er überdurchschnittlich gut ist. Er bekam Rollen an berühmten NCAA FBS-Schulen wie an der Stanford University unter Duane Akina und dann an der Vanderbilt University als Defensive Backs Coach unter Derek Mason.
Mattioli wird nun Coach in einem Land sein, das über zahlreiche einheimische Talente verfügt. Das haben die jüngsten Europameisterschaften der International Federation of American Football (IFAF) gezeigt, bei denen die französische Nationalmannschaft 2018 den ersten und 2021 den vierten Platz belegte. Die besten Athleten des Landes nach Paris zu holen und zu entwickeln liegt nun in den Händen von Mattioli. General Manager Marc-Angelo Soumah ist davon überzeugt, dass ihm das gelingen wird:
„With the signing of Head Coach Marc Mattioli, our franchise has found a great leader of men that fit our values. Our players will enjoy having a great experience on and off the field. We are assembling a successful franchise, and HC Marc Mattioli is a keystone of that building!“
GM Marc-Angelo Soumah