English: Weidinger and Barcelona part ways
Only two days after the clear semifinal defeat against the Vienna Vikings, the Barcelona Dragons franchise surprised with the announcement to go separate ways with Head Coach Andrew Weidinger in the future. The 40-year-old US-American had been introduced in March 2022 as successor to Adam Rita and had subsequently led the team to the Southern Conference championship. Very popular with the fans, Weidinger will now have to look for a new challenge.
„We thank the Coach all the work done during the season and wish him all the best in the future.“
Barcelona Dragons
„[…] On the other hand, we have decided to separate our paths by mutual agreement, since in certain aspects, we do not coincide in being and finding what is expected of the other party.“
Barcelona Dragons GM Bart Iaccarino
Weidinger assumed head coaching duties for the first time with the Dragons. Prior to that, he served as assistant offensive coach with the Atlanta Falcons between 2007 and 2014, and as assistant wide receiver coach and game manager with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers from 2015 to 2018. In the 2021 season, he served as Offensive Coordinator with the Potsdam Royals.
Sarah Philipp
Nur zwei Tage nach der deutlichen Halbfinalniederlage gegen die Vienna Vikings überraschte das Barcelona Dragons Franchise mit der Ankündigung, zukünftig getrennte Wege mit Head Coach Andrew Weidinger zu gehen. Der 40-jährige US-Amerikaner war im März 2022 als Nachfolger von Adam Rita vorgestellt worden und hatte das Team anschließend zum Titel in der Southern Conference geführt. Bei den Fans sehr beliebt, wird Weidinger nun nach einer neuen Herausforderung suchen müssen.
„We thank the Coach all the work done during the season and wish him all the best in the future.“
Barcelona Dragons
„[…] On the other hand, we have decided to separate our paths by mutual agreement, since in certain aspects, we do not coincide in being and finding what is expected of the other party.“
Barcelona Dragons GM Bart Iaccarino
Weidinger hatte bei den Dragons erstmals die Aufgaben eines Head Coaches übernommen. Zuvor war er 2007 und 2014 als „Assistant Offensive Coach“ bei den Atlanta Falcons sowie in den Jahren 2015 bis 2018 als „Assistant Wide Receiver Coach“ und im „Game Management“ bei den Tampa Bay Buccaneers beschäftigt gewesen. Anschließend war er Running Backs Coach bei den Arizona Hotshots in der gescheiterten Alliance of American Football. In der Saison 2021 fungierte er als Offensive Coordinator bei den Potsdam Royals.